Artist Makes Home Alone Gingerbread House!

Artist Michelle Wibowo making Home Alone gingerbread house (AP)

The best Christmas movie is a highly debated topic, but the Home Alone gingerbread house is easily the best one we’ve ever seen. The McCallister home on 671 Lincoln Ave (that’s its real address in Winnetka IL, by the way) was scaled down into a four by six foot model made entirely out of edible elements commissioned by Disney Plus for Home Alone‘s 30th Anniversary. Food artist Michelle Wibowo spent 300 hours building the edible construction including 63 trees, 33 windows, 2 paint cans, the sled Kevin crashed into a snowbank, and 14 pizza boxes from THE Little Nero’s. We could go on forever about all the amazing details she included from the holiday classic, but you should just take a look yourself on her Instagram.