Woodstock Stage To Be Donated to Rock Hall, Ohio

Rock Hall in Cleveland, Ohio is welcoming an amazing artifact to classic rock lovers everywhere – the original Woodstock stage. In a special artifact presentation at 10am Tuesday, March 2nd, the Woodstock at 50 exhibit will expand with the donation from Steve Gold, a Woodstock attendee and the owner of the festival’s original stage.

Steve Gold said in a statement, “People have an intense emotional attachment to the festival, whether they were there or not. The original stage is the only artifact that exists for people to touch and reflect upon. Its importance is beyond measure — it’s like the Holy Grail of rock music.”

“Shortly after the festival, the father of Gold’s then-girlfriend bought the plywood panels of the stage and used them to build a paddle ball court. In 2017, Gold acquired the panels of the original stage where Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and others performed. Since he had already been awarded the merchandising rights to sell memorabilia from the original event, he started Peace of Stage, a website where fans can purchase pieces of the original stage that have been repurposed as necklaces and other collectibles.” – Jeff Nielsen, Cleveland Scene

If you’re close to Cleveland, go check out the exhibit!